Fix “Access Denied” Errors for Old Documents in Windows 10

Windows 10 users reported problem working with old documents, files and libraries post-upgrade. The screen pop ups with an error “Access denied” and refuses to open specified document or file. There are several things you’ve to look up in order to fix this menace.

Provide Required Privileges

You don’t have required permissions to access contents of a directory. Solve this problem by providing adequate permissions from the folder securities settings in the properties dialog box. Edit the security permissions, check-up the relevant boxes to enable full permissions.

Change File Attribute

Some users found the file attribute was changed to “Read only” post upgrade. Using the File Properties dialog box revert to the “Normal” attribute.

Disable UAC

From the User Accounts page change user account settings and move the slider to extreme bottom to choose ‘Never notify” option for the User Account Control settings. After changing these settings in Control Panel, you would have to restart PC.

Log-In from Administrator Account

Switch the user account, log-in from the Administrator user account. You are experiencing issues tackling certain files as you’re currently logged in from Standard User Account.

Perform Disk Repair

Check the disk using “chkdsk <drive letter>:” command with elevated Command Prompt. For example, if your system drive is C:\, type “chkdsk C:” (without quotes). To automatically repair bad sectors, use “chkdsk /f <driveletter>:”

Disable System Security Protection

Check whether your Antivirus is enabled or disabled. If it is enabled, temporarily turn it off to avoid any conflicts. Use context menu of the shortcut in the system tray area of your Taskbar.

Provide Shared Access to Files Stored on Network

If you’re encountering file access problem for files stored on a network, it’s because your account isn’t authorized enough to sign in and access the files. Create a new string “AllowInsecureGuestAuth” with value “1” (Enabled) in the following subkey:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters

If the string already exists, just replace its value and then reboot.