How to Stop Mass Effect Andromeda Lagging Now

Mass Effect Andromeda was by far one of the most anticipated and buggiest AAA game of 2017.

It, unfortunately, left almost everyone who had bought the game, high and dry with no possible way to enjoy the game to the fullest extent. With the developers behind Mass Effect Andromeda announcing that there won’t be any more updates, patches or fixes being released for the Single Player Campaign the chances of the game being “fixed” by the developers are nil, as things stand. Follow these steps to fix Mass Effect Andromeda PC lags, errors and more!

Remember to get a reputable Windows PC cleaner to sort out the lag and slowdown complains you have with Mass Effect Andromeda. ST Cleaner definitely deserves to be given a chance.

Fix Mass Effect Andromeda Lags

ST Cleaner is 100% secure and downloaded from official site


Mass Effect Andromeda Lag Fix

Lags in Mass Effect Andromeda is an issue that affects every single player. Even if your PC does meet the recommended system requirements, lowering the following settings might help reduce lag:

  • Post-Process
  • Disabling V-Sync
  • Film Grain
  • Anti-Aliasing
  • Shadow Quality
  • Texture Filtering

These settings have often reportedly been the cause of stutters and lags in the game. Tuning them at a low level or turning them off completely can help improve the game’s speed considerably. Also, make sure you have the latest drivers for the Graphics Card especially if you’re using a Nvidia one.


Mass Effect Andromeda Not Launching Fix

If Mass Effect Andromeda isn’t being launched properly or doesn’t launch at all, then you need to check the File Integrity. In Origin, left click on the game to open Properties. Click the local files and then select Verify Integrity of Game Files.


Mass Effect Andromeda Black Screen Fix

If Mass Effect Andromeda doesn’t starts up but appears in the Task Manager or starts as a black screen as an active process then you’ll need to change the Processor affinity to one core. You can do this by right-clicking on the process and selecting Processor affinity in the Task Manager.

Changing up the Processor affinity
Changing up the Processor affinity

Un-check all processors except CPU 0. Hopefully, the game will move past the black screen. Select all processors afterward to ensure you don’t experience any in-game lags.

Another reason why Mass Effect Andromeda might be stuck on a Black Screen is due to the resolution or just another bug the developers didn’t bother to fix. Press Alt + Enter to run the game in the Windowed mode. Now makes changes in the Settings to run the game in the borderless windowed mode.


Mass Effect Andromeda Stuck Animation Fix

One of the most persistent and frustrating bugs is the animation completing freezing. Whether you’re jumping, sliding or performing any action that requires an animation, there’s a likelihood that your character Scott/ Sara Ryder (depending on your choice) will get suck. Though there are some ways to bypass this issue, they aren’t always result-oriented. To unfreeze the animation, you can try the following:

  • Switching between Combat and Exploration mode
  • Opening and closing your scanner
  • Jumping

If none of these steps help you, well then you’re only left with the option to restart the game.


Game Booster

As stated earlier, Mass Effect Andromeda is filled with bugs and optimization issues to the core. There isn’t a simple solution to fix all these issues but you can bring about tangible improvements in the gameplay courtesy a game booster. They tinker with the Internet connection to ensure as much a smooth, lag and stutter free gameplay as the game’s native capabilities permit. It also optimizes your PC by terminating any unnecessary applications to make sure the game gets allocated maximum resources.