Fix Sims 4 Thumbnail Cache Error: Easy Troubleshooting Steps

The SIMs 4 is one of the hottest games around these days and if you haven’t heard about it, you might be living under a rock. Even the Chinese are playing it as you are reading this article. Here in lies the rub. The thumbnails seem to have a glitch that crops up now and again which has annoyed many of the gamers of this otherwise superb game. Today you’re in luck as we’ll show you several ways to fix this problem and you can go on playing and see what mischief your creations can get into next.

The Standard Solution

As with any product, running under Windows unfortunately often the quickest fix is just reinstalling it. Just to reiterate the removal steps for you.

  1. Call up the control panel and select the icon for adding/removing software.
  2. Locate the entry for SIMs 4. If it was the last program installed it should top the list.
  3. Right-click and select Remove.
  4. This should remove the program and associated game and data files.

Most people abhor this solution. However, if you contact tech support this may be the first thing they’ll tell you to do.


A little less drastic and simpler solution

In this solution, we need to locate PC thumbnailcache file and the cache directory.

This entails you know where the software has been installed.

The way most people use to find it is right click on the game icon on your desktop and select properties. This will point you to the right directory.

Use Windows Explorer, search in the game’s directory, and locate the cache directory. Many suggest deleting it. However, it is better to cut the directory and move it to another location so you can replace it if the fix doesn’t solve the problem.

After you’ve done this, restart the game and see if your game runs correctly.

In some cases, it wouldn’t and your next step is to “copy” back the original directory and delete everything in it.

Next, create a notepad file with the name localthumbcache. Mind your extension is changed from .txt.

Restart the game normally and see what the results are.

If this fails, recopy the original cache directory again back from where you stored it. We will next try a bit more in-depth solution.


The last resort before picking up the phone to Electronic Arts

Open your “System Properties” and do the following:

Right mouse click “Computer”

Select “Properties”

Left mouse click “Advanced System Settings.”

Open the “DEP” Settings, Click on Settings (Performance) – Data Execution Prevention.

Exclude .exe and add all the files from the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Game\Bin” directory.

Reboot your computer and test the results.

If you still are having problems, remove what you typed in above.

If you come up short here, it is time to get on the horn with Electronic Arts and have one of their Tech people have you look at some other areas of either the game or your PC.

They may ask permission to remotely log in to your machine and poke around.

At this point, after they’ve done their job, close off this access to your PC for obvious security reasons.

Today we’ve gone through some ways you can fix your Sims 4 Thumbnail error in Windows PC. It is hoped that this article was helpful in resolving this issue.