Fix DNSAPI.dll Missing or Not Found Error in Windows

Follow the steps in this article if you’re getting DNSAPI.dll error.

Copy Missing File from Source DLLCache Folder

Boot your computer from the Windows operating system installation disc and then choose to repair the installation. Fire up Command Prompt by following the steps on your screen, and execute below given commands. Remember, your computer must be set up to recognize self-bootable media (such as, a USB flash drive or DVD ROM) by configuring the BIOS settings properly. Change the boot sequence.

  • Copy /Y C:\Windows\System32\dllcache\DNSAPI.dll C:\Windows\System32\DNSAPI.dll

If you’re prompted to overwrite specified DLL file, please do confirm.

Copy Missing File from Installation Media

In the same manner, you’ve an alternative way to copy missing DNSAPI.DLL file from the installation media if the contents of “DLLCache” folders are also corrupted. Here’s the command for you:

  • CD X:\i386
  • Copy dnsapi.dl_ C:\Windows\System32

Replace “X” with your self-bootable media drive letter.

Disable Conflicting Services

Some services reportedly conflict and cause DNSAPI.DLL error. There are two ways to disable conflicting services. Use an automatic services optimizer, or follow the manual instructions:


In a blank Notepad document, insert above commands as it is and then save the file with “Patch.bat” name, Desktop as the save location (All Files as the file format); and then execute the same. This should help.

Change Local Area Network Configs

Using Internet Properties dialog box with its inetcpl.cpl command, disable using a proxy server for your LAN. Go to Connections and find your LAN Settings.

Reset Network Adapter (WinSock)

Using an elevated Command Prompt run the command “netsh winsock reset” to clear up your network adapter configurations to system defaults. Some problems tend to cause DNSAPI.dll is missing error.

Reset Crap Out of your Network

Reset the crap out of your network using the commands given below:

  • Netsh interface ipv4 reset
  • Netsh interface ipv6 reset
  • Ipconfig /flushdns

Re-run the App with Administrative Privileges

Exit and re-open the application with required administrative privileges. Configure the File Properties/ Shortcut Properties to enable running it with administrative privileges automatically without needing to select that option from context menu.