Creating and Modifying File & Folder Permissions in Windows 11

In an advanced collaborative corporate environment, shared ownership of folders and files, although promoted for optimal productivity, still needs to be controlled. Running a business, regardless of size, indirectly entails employee turnover.

This onboarding and resignation process often means that the ownership of critical projects might be handed over to new employees while they are still being worked on. Microsoft Windows 11 users who own administrative credentials can alter the ownership of files and folders. However, not everyone knows how to do it.

Worry not; in today’s blog, we will discuss the steps for Creating and Modifying File & Folder Permissions in Windows 11.

Accessing the Properties Dialog Box:
1. Tap on the Start menu.
2. Click on Computer.
3. Choose the file or folder you want to see or customize the permissions for.
4. Right-click on the folder or file.
5. Click on Properties.
The Properties dialog box will appear.

Allowing Access to a File or Folder:
After creating a new folder or using an existing one, users need to decide who to give access to. Plus, remember that the default settings make the same person who has access to the original “parent” folder also get access to the new folder, and vice versa. Even if it is not something Windows users like, it’s a simple process to allow access to particular users for any folder you make.

Here are the steps:

1. Access the Properties dialog box.
2. Choose the Security tab.
3. Tap on Edit.
4. The security tab will launch in a new window.
5. Click on Add. The Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box will show up.
6. Within the “Enter the object names to select” text box, submit the name of the user or group that you want to give access to the folder. Try searching for the first letter of their name and click on Check Names. A list of users whose names begin with that letter will appear.
7. Confirm OK.
8. The Properties dialog box will appear again.
9. Confirm OK on the Security window.

How to Change File & Folder Permissions In Windows 11/10:
1. Right-click on any file or folder.
2. Tap on Properties.
3. Navigate to the Security tab. Two sections will appear: Permissions for the selected user and Group or usernames that have an ownership right on that file.
4. If you face difficulty in copying files in that folder or editing the file, change its permission.
5. Tap on the Edit button.
6. This will launch a new window where you can add missing permissions by checking the box or choose a user.
7. After you are done, confirm OK, and apply the changes.
8. While modifying permission for yourself, check on the box against Full Control.

Advanced Folder Level Permissions:
While setting permissions, users mention who is allowed to do what inside the folder, like making another folder, removing files, or saving them. You are not restricted to picking one standard permission setting. Windows users can also establish their own distinct permissions depending on what they want users to do.

Keep in mind that folder permissions can only be modified by the folder owner or by someone who has been given consent by the owner. If you are not the folder’s creator or do not have their consent, the checkboxes will be grayed out.

  1. Access the Properties dialog box.
  2. Choose the Security tab.
  3. At the bottom right of the Properties dialog box, choose Advanced.
  4. The Advanced Security Settings dialog box will show up.
  5. If you want the new folder to have different settings from the original folder and want to establish custom permissions for this folder, tap on the Change Permission button at the bottom. This will lead to a similar window.
  • Uncheck the “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent” checkbox. This will lead to a Windows Security warning dialog box.
  • Tap on Remove if you want to remove someone’s permission.

6. Tap on the Change Permissions button.
7. Choose the appropriate user or tap on Add and submit the user or group name that will be given folder access.
8. Tap on Edit. The Permissions Entry dialog box will show up.
9. From the Permissions section, employ the checkboxes to establish permissions.
10. From the Apply to: pull-down list, choose the level you want to apply these permissions to.
11. Confirm OK.
12. From the Advanced Security Setting dialog box, confirm OK.
13. Tap on OK from the duplicate Advanced Security Settings.
14. Click OK in the Properties dialog box.

The new folder permissions are successfully added for specific users.