A Guide to the Adobe Bridge File Renaming Methods

Adobe Bridge is a creative asset management software from Adobe. It helps you visualize your creative assets, quickly import digital photos, batch rename, batch convert and export image files, and organize other assets in one place. The advanced filters make it easy to quickly locate an asset, without much effort.

Adobe Bridge comes preinstalled with Adobe Photoshop, without any extra cost. It is a digital asset management software, or simply, a file browser that lets you view, organize and manage digital assets on your computer.


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Transfer Files from PC to PC Over Network

Transferring files from pc to pc over network is an ordinary process and depending on the situation, you might have to do it several times a day. Although transferring data over the same network is an easy process, many people stay away from it believing it to be a complicated task. So let’s take a look at some of the ways through which you can transfer files from pc to pc over the same network.


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