Network Drive Duplicate Photos Finder Solution

Network drives are hard drives operated over a specific computer network through Ethernet. These drives can be used to securely store and share resources over a network. Network drives are commonly used at large companies where data is regularly stored and shared across different teams. Depending on how large the data is, maintaining a network drive can become quite costly. One way to keep the financials as low as possible is to ensure that no duplicates are lying around your network drive.


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Ways to Increase Space on Samsung Cloud

Have you got a Samsung Galaxy smartphone? Lucky you as it means that you get 5 GB worth of space on your smartphone. There are various ways for you to utilize this space, such as storing your pictures, music or audios, contacts, numerous apps, and the list goes on. However, for many users, this limited storage might not be enough which is why Samsung offers the facility of saving excess data on Samsung Cloud.


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How to Map SharePoint as a Network Drive?

Microsoft SharePoint is a content collaboration platform used by over 200,000 organizations across the globe. SharePoint facilitates organizations to work remotely. It contains a set of multipurpose technologies that are part of the Office 365 subscription and provides for smooth communication of critical information within an organization and allows the employees to work remotely.


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Rename Your Files Using the Swap and Title Case Rules

We often feel the need to rename our files with criteria that would fit best with our file organization strategy but are too lazy to browse each file and rename it accordingly. It is also a very boring and tiring job to rename each file when there are a very big number of files involved. More so, if you have to swap the segments of a file’s name or change the case to title-case, it will be very difficult to rename each file by yourself.


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